Multi-country exchange of experience on the risk-based anti-money laundering and countering financing of terrorism supervision of financial institutions

On 21-22 September 2023, the Council of Europe’s Economic Crime and Cooperation Division, in cooperation with the European Commission Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) and the Croatian authorities, held a multi-country Conference “Ensuring an effective risk-based Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) supervision of financial institutions”, in Split, Croatia. The

Training on conducting strategic analysis for the Bulgarian Financial Intelligence Unit

The Council of Europe Economic Crime and Cooperation Division (ECCD) is supporting Bulgarian Financial Intelligence Directorate under the State Agency for National Security (FID-SANS – Bulgarian Financial Intelligence Unit) with strengthening their anti-money laundering and countering the terrorist financing (AML/CFT) capacities in conducting operational and strategic analysis. In this regard, following a two-day training on

Round Table ‘A New Security Paradigm for Financial Institutions’

In the past year, the complexity of securing financial institutions and the need to develop a new paradigm has grown exponentially. Rapid technological change and evolving threats have challenged conventional security measures, rendering them obsolete. Furthermore, in light of growing geopolitical tensions, ensuring security has become a top priority. The financial sector is confronted with

Practitioners discuss emerging money laundering and terrorist financing trends and challenges in the context of technical cooperation against economic crime

The Economic Crime and Cooperation Division of the Council of Europe organised, on 12 December 2022 a Roundtable on “Emerging money laundering and terrorist financing trends and challenges” involving practitioners and representatives of beneficiary institutions from 12 jurisdictions (including Financial Intelligence Units, supervisors and law enforcement). The Roundtable was convened taking into account that criminal

SIRIUS Annual Conference 2022: Building bridges between electronic evidence and new technologies

The SIRIUS project, a reference for knowledge sharing on cross-border access to electronic evidence, co-implemented by Europol and Eurojust in close partnership with the European Judicial Network, concluded its 2022 Annual Conference this week. Among the more than 800 participants in the hybrid online/in-person conference were representatives of law enforcement and judicial authorities from over

Regional Workshop “Risk-Based AML/CFT Supervision: Effective Assessment and Mitigation of Emerging Money Laundering/Terrorist Financing Risks”

Risk-Based AML/CFT Supervision: Effective Assessment and Mitigation of Emerging Money Laundering/Terrorist Financing Risks”, in Lisbon, Portugal. The event was organised as part of the Council of Europe’s Economic Crime and Cooperation Division’s efforts to support Bank of Portugal with improving its risk-based approach to anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) supervision. While


Этот круглый стол соберет женщин, которые работают с борьбой с коррупцией, и создаст пространство будущего, которое будет способствовать исследованиям, обмену опытом и более глубокому пониманию влияния гендера на коррупцию и коррупции на гендер. Этот круглый стол соберет женщин, которые работают с борьбой с коррупцией, и создаст пространство будущего, которое будет способствовать исследованиям, обмену опытом и

Council of Europe participated at the 9th Session of the Conference of the State Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption

Economic Crime and Cooperation Division (ECCD) of the Council of Europe participated at the 9th Session of the Conference of the State Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption and held on 16 December 2021 an online special event on Trends, good practices and challenges in preventing and fighting corruption. During the event the


An airtight compliance program is essential in today’s tumultuous and evolving regulatory and political atmosphere. As data privacy, international regulations and enforcement, and enhanced monitoring and reporting requirements challenge businesses and chief compliance officers alike, benchmarking, strengthening and improving your current compliance process is more important than ever. Whether you focus broadly on international trade