European Agency for Financial Intelligence and Anti-Corruption

The European Agency for Financial Intelligence and Anti-Corruption (AFIAC) is a leading organization comprised of experts, human rights defenders, financiers, analysts, and journalists, who are committed to promoting financial transparency and combating corruption and fraud.

Europol Opens its Doors for Just Peace Month

В эти выходные Европолицейский собрал представителей своего штаба-квартиры в рамках Дня открытых дверей «Справедливого мира», организованного Гаагским отделением человечества. В воскресенье, 16 октября, мы пролили свет на работу нашего агентства, поприветствовав посетителей нашей штаб-квартиры и объяснив, как на самом деле выглядит наша ежедневная работа «Сделаем безопаснее Европы». Позднее в этом месяце, в пятницу, 21 октября,

Newsroom TSI sanctions

On 6 October 2020, the European Commission’s Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) and the Council of Europe launched a new joint project on “Effective and uniform implementation of the sanctions’ regime in EU Member States” through an online kick-off meeting of its Project Advisory Group. The event was opened by Ms Nathalie


Этот круглый стол соберет женщин, которые работают с борьбой с коррупцией, и создаст пространство будущего, которое будет способствовать исследованиям, обмену опытом и более глубокому пониманию влияния гендера на коррупцию и коррупции на гендер. Этот круглый стол соберет женщин, которые работают с борьбой с коррупцией, и создаст пространство будущего, которое будет способствовать исследованиям, обмену опытом и

ECB boss Lagarde under fire from EU Parliament

Amid increasing inflation and a quickly tightening monetary policy, members of the European Parliament criticised the president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, for the bank’s role in the fight against inflation, which some lawmakers called misguided and “behind the curve”. Lagarde, who has chaired the ECB since November 2019, joined the European

World Day against Trafficking in Persons (30 Jul. 2022) – Interview with Jean Claude Brunet, Ambassador-at-large on transnational criminal threats and the fight against the illicit trafficking of SALW

Is human trafficking a growing threat for our societies? According to the United Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the International Labour Office (ILO), there are currently nearly 25 million victims – women, men and children – of this trafficking worldwide for sexual exploitation and forced labour. Human trafficking is a gross violation of

High inflation could increase equity financing

Since interest rates increase as a reaction to high inflation figures, corporations might be incentivised to turn towards equity instead of debt to finance their investments. Overall, however, investments could stagnate due to the uncertain economic outlook. In June, year-on-year inflation reached an estimated 8.6%, according to figures from Eurostat, an increase is largely driven