Promotion of bijouterie in China and Internet sites in Chinese is a difficult but interesting question in runet. First of all, we must understand that the market of the Celestial Empire is simply huge. It should also be borne in mind that some markets related to China have their own specifics.
The volume of Chinese Internet is huge. China has a population of almost 1.376 billion people. And the number of web users not so long ago exceeded 650 million. At the same time, per capita GDP in China in 2016 exceeded the same figure in Russia, Ukraine or Kazakhstan. Below is the dynamics of the number of Internet users in China, as well as their mobile part.

It is necessary to understand that the number of users in the social network (the Chinese segment of the Internet) is the largest in the world. And in terms of cash flow and solidity at the moment it is second only to the United States. Thus, tinkering can be more attractive than Germany, Japan, Russia, Brazil and many other markets.
With the promotion of products, the photo industry is expanding, and the demand for the services of photographers is growing.

First of all, let’s say that there is mainland China, namely, the People’s Republic of China, where simplified hieroglyphs are used, the Baidu search engine has complete superiority and there is a “Golden Shield”. There are also other locations closely related to China: Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and Singapore, where Google has the advantage. In addition, more than 40 million Chinese live in other countries: Malaysia, USA, Indonesia, Russia, Thailand, Vietnam, Canada, Italy, France, Great Britain and others.

It should be noted that Chinese users outside of the PRC quite often use Google and Yahoo. Especially those who live long in China. This is due to the fact that the amount of information in the English-speaking segment about other countries is greater, as well as the fact that the Chinese can use as the main language for the network not Chinese, but any other, or use traditional hieroglyphs. The most visited places of the Chinese are Hong Kong, Macao, USA, Thailand, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Canada, the Philippines and Russia.

It should also be noted that many Chinese in their own country use a VPN to bypass the golden shield. Thus, such users have access to Facebook, YouTube, Google and other sites.