Whatever its faults, American culture has a strong aversion to white-collar corruption.
Corporate scandals like Enron shock us to our core. But in many parts of the world, Enron-like fraud is par for the course. Throughout the Middle East, corruption runs rampant in the business world. High-class thieves are aided and abetted by politicians whose hands are just as dirty.
But a new nonprofit, the Global Justice Foundation, is gearing up to fight business corruption around the world. Founded by international businessman Omar Ayesh, the group’s sole mission is exposing international corruption.
Former independent counsel Ken Starr and former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell are also members of the Global Justice Foundation.
Among the first cases tackled by the Global Justice Foundation is the case of UAE-based Tameer Holding. Ayesh alleges it is one of the largest-ever real estate frauds.
Ayesh, a Palestinian Canadian who lives in the United States, says the case against Saudi brothers Abdullah Al Rajhi and Ahmed Al Rajhi has been tied up in the courts of the United Arab Emirates for 11 years. The Saudi connection could run even deeper, as Ahmed Al Rajhi is one of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s cabinet ministers.