Fight against corruption in Latvia  

In a report published today on corruption prevention in Latvia in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors, the Council of Europe’s anti-corruption group (GRECO) regrets the lack of measures concerning regulation on lobbying, parliamentary ethics and conflicts of interest. Despite draft amendments which are reportedly geared towards enhancing transparency of law making, as well as

China takes on bribery and corruption 

Over the last eight years, China has cracked down on bribery and corruption, particularly in its investigations and prosecutions of public officials, but what about corporate enforcement? Corruption, according to Chinese President Xi Jinping, remains the greatest threat to the Communist Party’s survival, and according to Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index 2018, which was published in January

Finance ministry and LHV differ on e-residency money laundering risk  

  — Anti-Corruption News Story Curated by Anti-Corruption Digest International Risk & Compliance News “The aim of the e-residency program is to bring new e-residents to Estonia who consume Estonia’s e-services and, among other things, also conduct their legal business. The purpose of the anti-money laundering rules is to prevent the exploitation of the Estonian

Baltimore’s Ransomware Mess Is Its Own Fault 

  — Anti-Corruption News Story Curated by Anti-Corruption Digest International Risk & Compliance News Since early May, Baltimore has been grappling with a city-crippling ransomware attack. A fiery debate has erupted within the information security community over who is to blame for the mess. The match that lit the blaze: A story published by the The New York

 Illegal money is in casinos

  — Anti-Corruption News Story Curated by Anti-Corruption Digest International Risk & Compliance News People are spending and raising tons of cash from casinos, betting companies and real estate –and that quantified in tax terms should make government happy but it isn’t. Why? Because most money earned from criminal activities is being washed or laundered

Vancouver considering a ban on Bitcoin ATMs  

  — Anti-Corruption News Story Curated by Anti-Corruption Digest International Risk & Compliance News VANCOUVER—Police have called Bitcoin ATMs “an ideal money-laundering vehicle,” and Vancouver’s mayor has even suggested a ban, but experts and businesses say federal regulation is what’s really needed to rein in a currently unregulated sector. Unlike other money-service businesses such as