— Anti-Corruption News Story Curated by Anti-Corruption Digest International Risk & Compliance News

Five years ago, the Indian people gave Narendra Modi the chance to realize his big promise: clean up the corruption in India. Today, Modi’s promise remains a promise. Corruption is still thriving in India, in all the usual places.

That’s evidenced by a string of high profile scandals that shook his administration. Like a murky 7.8 billion euro weapons contract to purchase 36 Rafale fighter planes from France. And a $2 billion bank fraud uncovered last February at India’s state-owned Punjab National Bank.
Corruption in Modi’s India is also evidenced by a string of reports from Transparency International. Like the one published early this week, ranking India 78 in corruption out of 175 countries. While this is a slight improvement from last year’s ranking, the recent ranking is still worse than the 2015 ranking—see table 1

Source: Corruption Is Still Thriving In Modi’s India