Security authorities in the Dominican Republic have deported a French national, boss of a network accused of laundering money coming from drug trafficking activities between Spain and Morocco.

The French, Michel Pierre Vincent Loubet, had been arrested last week alongside four other Spanish nationals in the northern part of the Central American country.

The operation was conducted in coordination with Spanish authorities following a probe that was launched in May last year.

Security forces seized sizable amount of cash: 560,160 Euros, 1,118,000 Dominican Pesos, 889 dollars and 4,000 Moroccan Dirhams as well as three rifles, two pistols and dozens of bullets of different calibers.

Loubet is on an international wanted list and the four Spanish nationals are accused of trafficking 16 tons of cannabis from Morocco to Spain since 2017.

The Dominican authorities in May last year seized €690,400 from a container stemming from Spain and belonging to a company linked to Loubet.

The French national had been deported to Barajas airport in Madrid from Las Américas international airport where he had been detained.