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An intricate affair of fraud, corruption, and money laundering by senior Palestinian Authority (PA) officials who transferred the funds to Hamas terrorists training in Malaysia has been exposed, TPS reports.

Official PA documents obtained by TPS show that Mahmoud Al-Habash, Supreme Sharia Judge in the PA and PA head Mahmoud Abbas’ Adviser on Religious and Islamic Affairs and Chairman of the Supreme Council for Sharia Justice, is in the center of the corruption case, which is already sending shock waves through the PA.

Habash is suspected of having established shell companies through which funds were laundered and then transferred from Dubai to Malaysia, where Hamas has broadened its activities in recent months.

Habash’s accomplice is the PA’s Ambassador to Malaysia Anwar Al-Agha.

The two established ties in 2011 and began to collaborate in 2014 after Al-Agha was appointed an ambassador in Malaysia.

Al-Agha’s wife was registered as a partner in the shell companies without her knowledge, but after the two separated over a financial dispute she discovered her husband’s illegal dealings and subsequently divorced him because of them.

Attempting to cover his tracks, Habash contacted the PA’s intelligence and reported that the two were divorced following an affair the ambassador’s wife had.

The report also determined that Habash abused his religious activities and senior office to support Hamas. Habash, previously a Hamas member in Gaza, was stationed by Mahmoud Dahlan in Ramallah in 2007 with the task of publicly defaming his former organization. Publicly, Habash did as he was tasked but secretly continued to act on Hamas’ behalf.

Source: Senior PA ministers caught laundering money for Hamas in Malaysia