Vancouver considering a ban on Bitcoin ATMs  

  — Anti-Corruption News Story Curated by Anti-Corruption Digest International Risk & Compliance News VANCOUVER—Police have called Bitcoin ATMs “an ideal money-laundering vehicle,” and Vancouver’s mayor has even suggested a ban, but experts and businesses say federal regulation is what’s really needed to rein in a currently unregulated sector. Unlike other money-service businesses such as

Japan Targets Bitcoin Exchanges for Money Laundering as G20 Looms

— Anti-Corruption News Story Curated by Anti-Corruption Digest International Risk & Compliance News Japan’s financial regulators are considering enacting new rules aimed at bitcoin exchanges as it steps up anti-money laundering countermeasures. This issue will also be raised at the forthcoming G20 Summit, which takes place in Osaka on June 28 and 29. Specifically, the Financial